Call troy 269-838-4428 or MOO-ville at 517-852-9003 if you are looking to become a wholesaler or have any questions regarding products.
You can learn more about our products by using the buttons below.
Call troy 269-838-4428 or MOO-ville at 517-852-9003 if you are looking to become a wholesaler or have any questions regarding products.
You can learn more about our products by using the buttons below.
Shelf life is important to everyone and MOO-ville has been able to attain a long shelf life of 25 days from the day it is bottled. Our goal is to produce quality products!
We send our milk down to MOO-ville with a gravity fed pipeline, the less you can pump & process milk, the better milk tastes; so we use gravity as much as possible starting from the farm, to the creamery. With quality milk, it allows it to stay fresher longer.
For the first month of new stores, we offer 100% on returns. When MOO-ville milk is delivered to your store it will be fresh bottled from only our MOO-ville cows.
Available in 3 gallon pails, 56oz. containers, and pints.
Our hand-dipped is a 16% cream content, making it the creamiest ice cream available on the market. We make our ice cream weekly in 56oz. container and 3 gallon plastic pails. Over eighty flavors to choose from and made from high quality ingredients.
Available in one gallon chocolate and vanilla containers.
Our soft serve is a 7% cream content. This mix has been getting very high reviews and people come to our shop just for the soft serve, which is quite impressive when there are over 60 other hand-dipped flavors they could choose from.
Specialty Themed and Baked cakes are also available upon requests.
The best tasting eggnog around. It sells itself. Made with real sugar and no high fructose corn syrup. Eggnog is not a new product but one that we will have available from Halloween thru New Years.
Red and Blue cap. All milk in Michigan legally must be pasteurized, but the line is also homogenized. Similar to what other companies bottle yet it tastes better because of less processing and has a longer shelf life, (20 days; sell by date) because of how clean MOO-ville milk is.
Some people have said it is the best chocolate milk ever. We attribute that taste to using pure Michigan sugar and whole milk. We've also selected a high quality chocolate.
Milk that is flavored with the highest quality coffee extract from Italy.
Skim can be set apart because of how well our customers like it. Our skim is by far the best tasting skim milk bottled. Skim milk again tastes better because of less processing. We use cold separation process instead of a hot process like the large companies do.
Just a reminder that this is non-homogenized milk, where the cream rises to the top. Helping those lactose intolerant people be able to drink a more natural form of milk. The Creamline is less precessed because it is not homogenized, so therefore the milk is in its more natural state, allowing the body not to have to work so hard so the body can digest the milk.
Made the old fashion way, a by-product of our MOO-ville butter with cultures.
Available in 1 lb. butter blocks.
It's made with our MOO-ville cream & is lightly salted & tastes like homemade butter.
Comes in a variety of flavors including:
MOO-ville Cheddar Cheese Curds (a2a2)
MOO-ville Garlic & Dill Cheese Curds (a2a2)
Colby Jack (Marble Cheese)
Garlic Dill Cheddar
Monterey Jack
Cheddar Bacon
Onion & Chive
Thank you for contacting us about becoming a wholesaler.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Monday - Saturday 10:30am - 8:00pm
Monday - Saturday 10:30am - 8:00pm
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